Friday, August 10, 2012

dear patience...

   Okay, I may or may not have just caved and gotten a dorito taco from of course, Taco Bell. And before any of you out there in cyber world judge me, they're freaking delicious. I don't care what anyone says! Plus, the Tbell guy gave me a 10 percent discount! How could I turn it down?!
   Anywaaaay, I have not blogged in a couple of days and I figured that I should tonight after working an eight hour shift, when I am exhausted at work I get home and then I am not the least bit sleepy anymore. My dog seems to be. He is laying on my keyboard, so forgive me for any grammatical errors that may occur.
   The word that has come to my mind constantly today is patience. Not necessarily in a biblical way, though that is extremely important, but naturally, I am very impatient with strangers, and people that I do not care for very much. Sometimes I will say people widdle my patience down to where it's almost nonexistent anymore, and then I just want to kick them in the shins.
   Then there is the other kind of patience that doesn't deal with people every day, but the kind that doesn't want to wait on God's plans for you. Or me. Or whomever. Then there is the patience problem with technology, or driving; devices or people not moving fast enough for us. As much as I know about God's word and what it says about patience, I can't sit here and say that I practice patience in the right way.
   Your family are the people who will be there for you through thick and then, no questions asked no matter what. HOWEVER, sometimes they make me want to again, I will use the same term, kick them in the shins. They know you the best, so they know how to push your buttons. I find myself the most impatient with my family. Specifically my parents. Even more specifically, my mother. I am an adult. I don't think that she has been able to get that through her mind yet. Sometimes I think because  I am the youngest in my family she has a hard time dealing with the fact that I'm 21 and can do whatever I please and do not have to consult her anymore. That is totally said in the most respectable tone. ;)
   What I have learned recently with driving, or my computer or phone not going fast enough is I can't make things go faster. When I have mad road rage I automatically think in the back of my head that of course, tailing people to the point where if the person in front of me were to just do a little "tap tap" on their breaks, my car would go smashing right into theirs. But I don't care. I do it anyway! I did it today in fact. But really, did I get where I was going any faster? Negative, ghostwriter.
   My shpeel full of rambling and random thoughts is through. For my own sake, I definitely need to work on my patience. Lord help me. 
   People say that being a red head, and being from the south one can be full of trouble, stubborn, and ornery. I can't say that I disagree with that statement.

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