Hello hello,
It is currently 9:32 p.m and I am sitting with my puppy on the floor of my bedroom, and I realized just now that I really need to vacuum. Sick. Anyway, today's word of the day that I am sharing with all of the bloggers and people of the universe if anyone sees this is honesty. I don't know about you, but I would consider myself to be a pretty honest person. Sometimes being honest helps someone, sometimes it unintentionally hurts someone, and sometimes in your gut you just know you should be honest with not only people, but yourself, because it's the right thing to do.
I have had many a friend come and go and I am only 21. But now, people in my life are consistent and things are leveling out for me in adulthood. My best friend and I, we will call her "B" even though anyone who knows me and is reading this knows who she is, and for those of you who don't, then, you'll just know her as B. She is truly a one of a kind human being. And my sister for life. We knew each other in middle school and junior high, but then she disappeared to a charter school and we didn't reconnect until earlier this year. And back then, we were solely acquaintances. Tonight we had a tough talk. Details are not important, but if it weren't for her brutal honesty with me, then our friendship wouldn't be as solid as I know that it is.
I am so thankful for the people that God has put into my life that have stuck like glue to my heart over the last several years. God tests us. He tests us in different ways. Whether it be something as small as patience, or something as big as dealing with death. There's the cliche saying that everyone knows, although I am not sure everyone fully believes: "God will never give you more then what you can handle." And as cheesy as it may sound, it is complete truth. Satan will keep killing, stealing, and destroying everything that he can. And if we allow him to get inside of our heads, plant a seed, and we run wild with it, he will win. We will have given him everything that he wants.
I had to be honest with myself about how I was living my life. Things that I was doing wrong. And with the help and honesty of B, I could do that tonight. And God just reminded me that the purpose of a friend is to speak truth over you, to walk side by side with you, with Him. To be of no judgement, or condemning, like Him. I am blessed by so many wonderful people. Life is very hard. Following Jesus is very hard. He even said that about himself. But the good things and bad things that happen to us and around us are just a giant reminder to me that I get eternal life, with God, in heaven, where everyday is good. Everyday is bright. There is no darkness, no sadness, no hate. There is love, there is peace, and there is light. I cannot wait to see that day.
Lots of random thoughts. But I very much enjoy getting them down on here.
Sleep well, friends.
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